Get industries hiring
/api/v1.1/{country_code}/reports/hiring-industries/For postings matching the given criteria and time period, returns a list of industries, ranked in order of number of postings by employers in those industries.
This endpoint allows querying by one primary facet type (location, occupation, skill, industry, employer) only. Multiple values of the same facet may be provided, in which case, they will be aggregated.
For more complex queries over multiple facets, see Perform complex boolean queries
A two character code that specifies which country dataset to query.
A unique ID specifying an occupation sector/category.
The end date of the desired time period for the query. Must be specified in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
The maximum number of matches to return in a search.
A unique ID specifying a location/statistical area.
A unique ID specifying an occupation (job title). If specified, an occupation_taxonomy_id must also be provided.
A unique ID specifying an occupation taxonomy. Required when specifying an occupation_id.
A unique ID specifying a skill.
A unique ID specifying a skill tag (pre-defined group of skills).
The start date of the desired time period for the query. Must be specified in ISO8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
Request samples
The number of postings matching your criteria, where we were able to identify the end employer and industry.
An array of industries.
An industry.
The number of postings for jobs within this industry.
"sample_size": 36894,
"data": [
"industry": {
"id": "A",
"label": "Agriculture, forestry and fishing",
"description": "Agriculture, forestry and fishing"
"posting_count": 8263